Hoi4 Soviet Focus Tree

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. The Soviet Union doesn't own any eligible states.The second Five Year Plan prioritizes the development of heavy industry. The Soviet Union must develop quickly in order to match the Capitalist and Fascist powers of the West.Move Industry to the UralsMoscow(219):. Remove 6 military factories and 2 civilian factories.Leningrad(195):.

Soviet Focus Rework. In 1 collection by Mr Tsubodai. Allies vs World. All my content is free for community use, go nuts. Popular Discussions View All (3) 91 Dec 30, 2019 @ 3:45pm. Hearts Of Iron IV: Soviet Union Guide Fellow comrade, you have been called to action to take command of the mighty Red Army. This Hearts of Iron IV Soviet guide will help provide you with some essential guidance and tips to help secure world domination under a communist sphere of influence.

Remove 5 military factories and 1 civilian factory.Smolensk(242):. Remove 2 civilian factories.Zlatoust(573):.

Add 8 shared building slots, 5 military factories and 3 civilian factories.Magnitogorsk(582):. Ga z68ma d2h b3. Add 8 shared building slots, 6 military factories and 2 civilian factories.Finish the Five Year Plan. at warMoscow(219):. Owned and controlled by Soviet Union and has at least 6 military factories and 2 civilian factoriesLeningrad(195):.

Owned and controlled by Soviet Union and has at least 5 military factories and 1 civilian factorySmolensk(252):. Owned and controlled by Soviet Union and has at least 2 civilian factoriesZlatoust(573) & Magnitogorsk(582):. Owned and controlled by Soviet UnionThe backstabbing Hitlerists must not be allowed to seize our precious factories in the western part of the USSR. With supreme effort and sacrifice, we should be able to quickly move the most valuable heavy equipment and facilities to Chelyabinsk and other locations in the Urals.Defense of Moscow.

Gain +5 army experience. Rndigital labs inspector xl 2 and signature bundle 2 released for mac. Add level 4 land fort in Moscow(129).

Add level 3 land forts in 8 provinces around Moscow.Move Industry to the Urals. State Pick Logic:Four random owned and controlled states with no more than 4 infrastructureIF all states have 4 or more infrastructure, four random states with at least 3 free slots for infrastructure are chosen insteadTHEN. add 3 InfrastructureExtra Research SlotThe Soviet Union is vast but t×costly empty. We must ensure the ability to transport goods and equipment across the width of the country quickly.Transformation of Nature. gains 120.Kzyl Orda(?):. Add 6 RubberInfrastructure EffortStalin's Great Plan for the Transformation of Nature must be put into action. The environment must be shaped and molded on a massive scale to work in the People's favor.Stalin Constitution branch FocusEffectsPrerequisitesDescriptionStalin Constitution.

Gain +160 political power.No National PrerequisitesIt is time to update our old constitution and impress the world with the rights enjoyed by the workers and peasants of the Soviet Union!Collectivist Propaganda. Gain +120 political power. Gain National Spirit Collectivist Propaganda, which grants:. +20% StabilityStalin ConstitutionIn the Soviet Union, there is no room for individual glory. Our propaganda should strongly emphasize collective efforts; surpassed production goals, successful expeditions and massive construction projects.Militarized Schools. Gain National Spirit Militarized Schools which grants:.

+0.5% Recruitable populationColectivist Propaganda ANDArmament EffortSoviet children should be inculcated in military discipline and Socialist virtues like self-sacrifice and solidarity. Young minds are more easily molded.Workers' Culture. Gain National Spirit Worker's Culture, which grants:.

+10% Construction speedMilitarized SchoolsSocialism is not just an economic system and Marxism is not just a science; we must transform the very fabric of Soviet society to extirpate all remnants of bourgeois mores and traditions.Women in Aviation. Gain +25 air experience. Generated aces may be female. The 588. Night Bomber Regiment becomes active in Moscow.Workers' CultureComrade Raskova, our heroic long distance aviator, should be allowed to form some all-female air regiments through her Aviation Group 122 program.Positive Heroism. Available as Military High Command: Konstantin Rokossovsky (Armor (Genius)), which grants:. +15% Armor division attack.

+15% Armor division defense. Available as Theorist: Georgy Zhukov (Mass Assault Expert), which grants:. Mass Assault Doctrine: -10% research time. 0.05/day Army experienceRokossovsky may be purged by Stalin.

–20% Civilian to Military Conversion CostThe People's Commissariat of Defense Industry of the USSR will be a heavy industry ministry focusing on our military industrial projects. In the long term, the work load may require further divisions of the ministry.Anti-Fascist Diplomacy. has the focus Found the PCDI, , : +30 Opinion of Soviet Union, , , and 6 others: −40 Opinion of Soviet UnionThough all Western regimes are repressive and corrupt, there are none worse than those who pretend to be progressive; or even Socialist! By promoting such false consciousness among the proletariat, they are attempting to delay the Revolution and keep the workers in perpetual bondage.Far East Fortification.

has the focus Anti-Fascist DiplomacyChita(563):. Add 6 land forts to the Japanese borderBirobidzhan(657):. Add 8 land forts to the Japanese borderKhabarovsk(409):. Add 4 land forts to the Japanese borderVladivostok(408):. Add 2 land forts to a provinceThe Japanese are constantly making incursions across the border with Manchuria. We must improve our defenses along that frontier in order to deter them permanently.Operation Zet.

has the focus Far East Fortification. has at least 200 Infantry Equipment in Stockpile: +40 Opinion of Soviet Union,: −40 Opinion of Soviet UnionThough the Kuomintang is reactionary, it seems unlikely that Mao and his brand of communism will prevail in China. We should strive to improve relations with Chiang; the ridiculously anachronistic Empire of Japan is bound to collapse soon anyway.Annex Tannu TuvaSoviet Union:.

has the focus Operation Zet. Does not have National Spirits Trotskyite Plot? AND Officers PurgedSoviet Union:AnnexesTannu Tuva must agree to this, but AI always does.War With Japan. has the focus Annex Tannu TuvaSoviet Union:. gets a ‘Conquer (Focus)’ against JapanIt seems the Japanese have no plans to back down.

The only effective deterrent is going to be war. They will regret having resisted our demands when The Red Army tramples them down.Improve Stalin Line.

has the focus Anti-Fascist Diplomacy. not in an offensive war(Pskov):. Add 6 land forts to a province;(Nevel):. Add 4 land forts to a province;(Vitebsk):. Add 4 land forts to 3 provinces;(Minsk):.

Add 4 land forts to a province;(Kiev):. Add 7 land forts to 2 provinces;(Cherkasy):. Add 7 land forts to a province;(Odessa):. Add 5 land forts to 3 provincesOur western border must be better protected from fascist aggression. The Stalin Line should be extended and modernized.Claims in Baltic. has the focus Improve Stalin LineSoviet Union:. Gain claims on (Kaunas), (Siaulai), (Vidzeme), (Kurzeme);.

World Tension +3.0;( ), ( ): −50 Opinion of Soviet UnionPeter the Great was right in seeking access to ports in the west. The Baltic States, which were lost after the revolution, should be reintegrated into the Soviet Union.Baltic Security. has the focus Claims in BalticSoviet Union:.

Gain claims on (Karjala), (Tartu), (Harju);. World Tension +1.0;,: Gain Communist Pressure= +0.10 Communism support/day for 1 yearThe Baltic is our front yard and must be protected at all costs.