Read Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them Pdf To Word

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Released in March 2001, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is the most complete A to Z listing of magical beasts that exists.It also includes the beasts’ Ministry Classification of Magical Creatures. From Basilisks to Jarveys to Werewolves, this book covers all the magical beasts you’ve only heard of and will introduce you to a host of new ones you haven’t. HARRY POTTER (1-7) INDIVIDUAL LINKS: 1.The Sorcerer's Stone 2.The Chamber Of Secrets 3.The Prisoner Of Azkaban 4.The Goblet Of Fire 5.The Order Of The Phoenix 6.The Half Blood Prince 7.The Deathly Hallows these e-books will give you a full overview of the content if u like them, pls buy them. Do not miss the joy & rich experience of reading.

' Aw, don't worry, honey. Most guys think what you was thinking, first time they see me.' —Queenie regarding her own physical appearanceQueenie Goldstein (b., ) was a and the younger sister of. She attended, where she was sorted intoAfter graduating from Ilvermorny, Queenie acquired a desk job in the, within the.

Because of her beauty, she was described by others as being a 'bombshell'. She was also an extremely accomplished, someone with the ability to extract feelings and memories from another’s mind.While initially on the same side as her sister Tina and friend, later brother-in-law, Queenie was ultimately swayed to join 's side with the offer to be free to love and marry her boyfriend, as well as the offer to provide his freedom to others. ' Teenie — you brought men home?'

—Queenie meets Newt Scamander andQueenie and her sister in their brownstoneAt some point after her graduation, Queenie landed a menial desk job in the at the. Tina worked as an, but after she used magic in front of leader, she was demoted to a position in the same department as Queenie. Still, Queenie insisted that Tina was the career girl, not her, as she ' spends most days making coffee or unjinxing the john.'

Global wizarding war Making new friendsIn, Queenie was sharing a at in with her sister when the pair were introduced to the soon-to-be-famous and author. She took quite a liking to Jacob, as he was the first No-Maj she had ever had a decent conversation with (even if most of them were read by her).

She was rather upset when she and Tina found that the men had left with in the middle of the night, especially after she made them cocoa.The next day, while bringing coffee to a meeting room, she suddenly dropped the tray, breaking the glasses, when she realised Tina was to be executed. Whether it was by instinct or her Legilimency, she knew the danger Tina was in, as well as Newt.Queenie helping Jacob escape a MACUSA guardWhile on her way to find Tina, she spotted Jacob being escorted by, an.

She originally offered to 'obliviate' Jacob because someone called for Sam, but he caught her bluff, as that wasn't part of her department. Queenie then resorted to blackmail, threatening to tell that he's been seeing. Hastily, Sam left, leaving Queenie with Jacob. The two managed to break into and retrieved Newt's suitcase and his and Tina's wands. When they finally caught up to an escaped Newt and Tina, Queenie ordered all three of them to get into the case.

As she was the only one of them who wasn't wanted, she safely smuggled them and the suitcase out of MACUSA, with the excuse that she was heading home because she felt ill. When her supervisor asked what the suitcase was for, she told him it was 'lady things' and he questioned her no further.Queenie and Jacob inside The Blind PigAfter regrouping and devising a plan, the group headed for. Before they gained entry, Queenie and Tina used magic to make them look more presentable for the speakeasy. When they entered, Queenie and Jacob shared some, while Newt and Tina negotiated with. After he revealed a possible creature located near, the MACUSA showed up, revealing Gnarlak's betrayal. Queenie noted that the wanted signs behind her changed to the faces of Newt and Tina.

She was delighted when she witnessed Jacob knock out Gnarlak. The group than away.When they arrived at, they spotted the, who eventually led them to the storeroom, where an escaped, immense in size, had been residing. Queenie slowly approached the creature but accidentally kicked a Christmas ornament, disturbing the Occamy. Terrified, she and Jacob looked for cover as it attacked. The group then tried to find an insect and a teapot, as Newt ordered. While looking, Queenie was knocked down by the Occamy. She then watched as Jacob threw a cockroach into the teapot that Tina found, and the Occamy flew directly into the teapot, shrinking in size, to devour the insect.Queenie while inside Newt's suitcase notices a picture ofFinally, all the creatures were caught and safe.

Tina and Queenie marvelled at Newt's suitcase and his creatures. While there, Queenie noticed a picture of Leta Lestrange inside Newt's shed. Through her natural talent for Legilimency, she extracted the story between Leta and Newt despite his discomfort and embarrassment. She told Newt that 'she was a taker, you need a giver'. When Tina showed up and asked what they were talking about, she said they were talking about school. She then tells Jacob and Newt that she and Tina went to, while Newt says he went to Hogwarts, which he believes is the best wizarding school. Queenie pronounced such a belief 'Hogwash'.

Before anyone can say anything else, the interrupted, as, according to Newt, he sensed danger.Obscurial attack on New York CityQueenie and Jacob share a brief, yet passionate kissThe group then witnessed the cause havoc across the city. Newt gave his suitcase to Tina and asked her to watch after his creatures. He then apparated away. Worried for Newt's safety, Tina hastily handed the suitcase to Queenie as she followed Newt through her own apparition. Unable to let her sister go, Queenie was about to repeat the pattern, but she was stopped by Jacob. Although resistant to his pleas, she read his mind and understood what he went through during the war.Eventually, Tina and Newt found Queenie and Jacob after the apparent death of Credence and the arrest of Graves, who was actually by Newt to be. Queenie pushed through the crowd to hug her sister, relieved to see her sister alive.

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She then witnessed the breathtaking moment when took the to the raining sky to contaminate the water, therefore Obliviating every No-Maj of the incident. The happy ending is short-lived, however, when they received orders that Jacob had to be as well. Queenie tried to convince Jacob to let her go with him, but he refused, thinking that there are other men like him. She strongly disagreed, saying that he was the only one.

Read fantastic beasts and where to find them pdf to word online

After the tearful goodbye with the group, Jacob entered the rain. Queenie managed to gently kiss him before he 'woke up'.Reunion with Jacob KowalskiQueenie standing in Jacob's bakeryA few months later, Jacob had opened the successful bakery of his dreams, with that resembled some of the magical creatures he encountered with Newt and the Goldstein sisters. One day, Queenie entered the shop in her usual pink attire, and Jacob's memories were rekindled as he touched his neck where the bit him and he smiled. However, the true reason of his memory being restored is because of the venom, which only erases bad memories.Around September, Queenie travelled with Jacob to to visit Newt.

She announced that she and Jacob were engaged and planned to be married. Newt noticed Jacob's odd behaviour and realised he had been enchanted by her, using a powerful love charm. After a brief argument, Queenie agreed, and Newt the spell. Jacob refused to marry her, fearing that she would be punished for marrying a no-Maj.Joining Grindelwald's ArmyQueenie in one of the Paris' streets, moments before her life changes foreverRejected by Jacob, Queenie leaves for, where her currently estranged sister was researching hints about 's whereabouts: however, all alone, she's soon left lost and distraught. Approached the upset Queenie in the rain and came to her help, and invited her round for.Queenie Goldstein speaking with Vinda RosierWhen Queenie informed she needed to leave, Rosier introduced her to 's ideals, and to Gellert himself. Queenie initially showed a strong hostility towards the dark wizard and even raised her wand to him, but he reassured her he meant no ill will towards her and wished to be her friend. Grindelwald convinced her to join his cause by leveraging over her loving and compassionate nature, hinting that in a world where must no longer hide, she would be free to love Jacob and that his would have no place for.Queenie joining GrindelwaldAs such, Queenie attended to Grindelwald's meeting, giddily hearing about him describe the muggles as merely different, to protect from themselves and not oppress, and told (who was warned of her presence there by ) that by joining Grindelwald they could finally be together.

Jacob refused, leaving her heartbroken, but she still went away with Grindelwald to, clinging on her hope of a future with Jacob as her husband.Queenie with Grindelwald at NurmengardOnce established at Nurmengard, using her skills as a legillimens, she acted as an advisor to Gellert Grindelwald, telling him what was wanting to hear to join his cause. Due to her loving nature, she would have provided much-needed support and guidance to the confused and broken young wizard.Physical appearanceQueenie was a stunning witch with blonde hair.


She was noted for her beauty, being described as a 'bombshell'. Personality and traitsQueenie was a free-spirited, kind-hearted woman. She was very empathetic and skilled in the art of, which sometimes affected her relationship with others, but deepened the one she shared with her sister. She was also considered to be 'very brave.' Queenie was unperturbed by the prejudice of her fellow wizards towards, as ferociously evidenced by her relationship with, and her empathy towards him. Having been sorted into, Queenie was incredibly kind towards people she realised were in pain or torment, as shown by how she consoled about his relationship with - stating that Leta was a taker, whilst he needed a giver.However, it was ironically Queenie's love and compassion towards others that induced her to, who managed to persuade her that under his new world order, she and others would have a newfound freedom to love whomever they wish, since laws like would be abolished by him.

Moreover, Grindelwald's intention to fight against the future of the, appealed to Queenie's peaceful personality. Hence, Queenie agreed with Grindelwald's ideology so much, that she was even willing to stick with Grindelwald after her boyfriend tearfully refused to join her, and sadly.