Carmen Sandiego Game Download

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King Tut's tomb is missing! What is Egypt going to do? Luckily for President Murbarak, he has the best cadet at the Acme Detective Agency on the job - YOU! Time after TimeWhere in Time Is Carmen Sandiego by Electronic Arts turns your Genesis into a fun, educational time machine. Drawing from an endless bank of unsolved mysteries, you use your smarts to catch the notorious Carmen Sandiego and her 16 V.I.LE. Henchmen, who have stolen priceless (and obscure) historic artifacts, such as 's Hat and Paul Revere's horse.As in the previous versions of Carmen for the NES and the PC, the game requires brains not brawn.

Just like the original 'Carmen Sandiego' games, 'The Crown Jewels Caper' will test your knowledge of geography as you track Carmen. Carmen Sandiego™ debuted in 1985 in the first of twenty-two video games and went on to become a best-selling game franchise through the '80s and '90s. Three TV shows followed, winning six Emmys and building the mysterious globetrotting thief into an iconic heroine. An All-New Show & All-New Adventures. Carmen has made a dramatic return with a.

You uncover each V.I.LE. Henchman's trail by correctly matching hidden clues on a given set of historical places and times. It's sort of a multiple choice video history quiz. All together you visit 48 countries and cover 1500 years.

One tip: Travel armed with Carmen's New American Desk Encyclopedia (by Signet), which comes bundled with the cart. This game can stump even the highest of I.Qs.Your rewards are newfound knowledge, passwords to continue the game, and bragging rights.

You begin as a Cadet, but crack 80 cases and you'll be knighted Super Time Sleuth! No Time to Say Good-bye/HelloAs you might suspect, time in this game is of the essence. You only have a few hours to ride your century-hopping Chronoskimmer and conduct your investigation. Travelling to the scene of the crime automatically costs you three hours.

Once you arrive, you either question a witness, grill an informant, or search for physical evidence at the scene of the crime with the Scanner. You'll know you're in the right country if a V.I.LE. Henchman suddenly appears onscreen.As the trail gets hot, you may think you have enough information to convict a suspect. Then, you hit the Data button, enter the Evidence you've gathered, and punch Compute. If you've sleuthed it down to only one suspect, a Warrant is automatically issued and the Capture Robot takes off after the time bandit. If your detective work is correct, you repair history; if not.

You should'a done your homework! ProTip: Be careful! Every source you tap bums two hours.

Also, get your facts straight, or you may land in the wrong country. If you do, you'll have to travel back to the county you just left and try again - an 8 hour trip. Carmen's A ClassicCarmen Sandiego is a winner, even if you aren't a history buff. The graphics don't do much by video game standards, but what's there is elaborate and smooth. The sounds are good, even though they consist mainly of effects, such as a 'crash' when your Choronoskimmer lands abruptly. Carmen Sandiego taxes your brain with tough trivia and good fun.

The gameplay is intuitive. If you like, you can even display the game in five different European languages. After a few grueling hours with Carmen, no one will beat you at '. When I saw the ad for 'Time Patroller' in last Sunday's 'Help Wanted' section, I really thought they were looking for something like a hall monitor. You know, the guy that makes sure everyone who's wandering around during class time has a pass?

I was wrong.So here I am, Time Patroller-in-training Weasel, at the Acme Detective Agency behind the wheel of the Chronoskimmer 325i, the finest time machine in the galaxy. This bad boy can cook back and forth through 1500 years of history and materialize in 42 different geographical locations!The Federal Time Travel Commission has authorized me to use 34 hours of the Chronoskimmer's time to track down a heinous criminal, one of the 11 members of the sinister Villain's International League of Evil (V.I.L.E.). This guy ran off with the manuscript for the classic, 'Huckleberry Finn', from the U.SA circa 1884.If I want this job, I'd better bring this bum back within the alotted time - or it's back to scanning the Want Ads. It's in the BookAcme's a professional agency, so they didn't send me off unprepared. Every Time Patroller trainee gets their own copy of the latest edition of the New American Desk Encyclopedia - invaluable for referencing historical names and events. I'm sure experienced time sleuths wing it without the book, but being a rookie, I wasn't going to let it out of my sight!

The Land That Time RememberedThe best place to start an investigation is always the scene of the crime, so I was off to the 19th Century U.S. (I didn't need the book to figure out that one. I may not have paid much attention in history, but I'm not TOTALLY stupid).When I got there, I found no trace of the Huck Finn book, but there were a few bystanders milling about.

I pulled aside a gardener working near the scene.' You see anybody suspicious around here during the last couple hours.' 'Perhaps a guy.' '.with a book?' I pressed a saw-buck into the gardener's grubby palm.' What's this supposed to be?'

He exclaimed, obviously confused by the modem twenty.' It's money,' I tried to explain.' Not 'round these parts.but tell you what, you help me weed the Greenes' garden here, and I'll tell you what I know.' I grabbed the fellow by the collar and snarled in my best Sam Spade, 'I don't have time to root around a friggin' garden with you - I'm trying to catch a thief!'

The gardener broke down, 'I saw your man - he said he wanted to talk dollars and cents with Thomas Gresham!' As the last syllable of Gresham's name left the gardener's lips, I was already in the Chronoskimmer.

Thomas Gresham was Queen Elizabeth I's financial advisor. I was off to 16th Century England. Time After TimeEngland 1533 A.D. As the Chronoskimmer rumbled to a halt, the stench of evil immediately assaulted my nose!

Henchman (the scum that assists the time bandits) was near by.Sure enough! The rogue slinked around a corner just as I closed the door of the Chronoskimmer. The trail was hot!An informant (the Acme Detective Agency has a network of informants in every time period - I told you they were pro's) was on the scene with some helpful information.' Your suspect loves the work of a famous Mexican muralist.' Checking my V.I.L.E. Data file, I scanned their likes and dislikes: Vincent Van Gogh, Mary Cassatt, Edgar Degas, Jose of these dudes is a Mexican muralist, and I think I know which one!A witness also had some valuable info for me (and I didn't even have to force it out of him). According to this philosopher guy, the suspect planned to solve the mystery of the disappearing Mayas - as in the Indian tribe that existed from in 300 - 900 A.D.

In parts of Mexico and Central America. Time to hit the Chronoskimmer! The Land That Time ForgotAnother V.I.L.E. Henchman ran off just as I arrived 'south of the border' - I must be getting close! My area informant confirmed my suspicions.' Your suspect was here. He said he was going to stow away on Abel Tasman's ship.

Oh yeah, and he had mousey brown hair.' I quickly consulted my data file's suspect dossiers. Let's see, 'Rudy Lepay - ex-Parisian cab driver. Brown hair (Check!) and gray eyes, brags about a big tip he received from a famous Mexican muralist (Double check!!). Lepay must be my man!I entered the info into the crime computer and had a warrant issued for the arrest of one Rudy Lepay.

I also activated the capture robot in case the fiend turned up here in Mexico.According to the encyclopedia 'Abel Tasman' discovered Tasmania and New Zealand while working for the Dutch in 1642. My next destination was clear - 17th Century Holland!

To Catch A ThiefOnly 15 hours left to use the Chronoskimmer - better boogie! The ship's sensors are detecting the presence of ominous events here in 1642 Holland. Just as I consulted with my area informant, the computer sounded the alarm - the villainous Rudy Lepay has been located!!!I launched the capture robot and quickly had Lepay wrapped up and ready to ship UPS. Now I just had to make sure I had the right crook. The problem with time sleuthing is that the bandits have a lot of similarities - that is, they're all scum, they like to steal famous landmarks and items of historical significance, etc. so you must always check back with headquarters to make sure you have the right crook. Next time you want Huck Finn, Lepay', I crowed, 'get a library card.'

As they say at Acme, this case is history.When I returned to headquarters, the Chief was waiting. I got the job.I was moved. I wonder where I should take my lunch break, 17th Century France for some Escargot, perhaps 500 A.D.

China for some dim sum. The possibilities are endless.

It was bound to happen! The most popular 'educational' computer game of all time has found its way to the Genesis and learning will never be the same again.

Travel across time and space to track down Carmen and her gang of notorious 'history' thieves and retrieve the priceless historical relics they've stolen. You'll cruise to dozens of locations in your chic Chronoskimmer 320i - the top of the line in time travelling vehicles. You've got a limited amount of time to track the crooks, so don't admire the fine leather interior too long! Crazy Carmen San Diego and her merry band of petty time bandits are century hopping through 1500 years of history, looting valuable period pieces as they go. In this exciting, not to mention historically educational game, your job is to trail Carmen and her cohorts and put a stop to their pilfering madness.

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Before you tackle the more than eighty missions, you must first uncover relevant historical clues and question witnesses. You also get a handy hardcover desktop encyclopedia to help you in your investigation. Carmen and company make history lessons great fun!