Castle Hustle How To Enter Codes

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Hustle Castle Cheats - Get Unlimited Diamonds 2019. From Harrison Jenifer. 1 year ago — via Parallel.

. Daily Quest Chest – At this time of writing, one of Hustle Castle’s updates is an improved chest from Daily Quests. You can get a free chest once you’ve accumulated enough quests scrolls to unlock a free chest. Every time you open a chest, the next chest reward will be upgraded to a higher tier which means better rewards compared to the previous chest. However, higher tiered chests require more quest scrolls.

Unlocking the highest tier leveled chest will reset the tier level of the next chest to the lowest tier level. The highest tier leveled chest can give you a piece of legendary item. Arena Shop - One of the many reasons a lot of players join the arena is because the arena shop sells legendary items, artifacts and mystic chest. You can buy items from the Arena shop using Badges of Valor. Legendary items appear in the store once your Fighter Training Room Level reaches level 6 or once all of your fighters joins the level 40 tournament bracket. Although the prices are too high, it is still a good place to get some legendary items. Block breaker game. The mystic chest is the most expensive among the three I mentioned since it gives you a chance to get multiple legendary items.

Don’t you worry though, mystic chests guarantee you at least two legendary items. Only the odds of getting around 2 to 4 legendary items from the chest varies.

Due to this, players tend to believe that it is not a good bargain considering the amount of Badges of Valor you need to pay for a single mystic chest. This is why players prefer buying the exact legendary items or artifact instead of chests from the store. However, the arena shop's stock refreshes every after 14 days so you have to wait before you can buy another legendary items or you can spend some diamonds. Tournament Leaders – If you are part of the top one hundred tournament point leaders, then you’ll be rewarded with one Royal Tournament Chest. Usually, players in the level 100 tournament bracket has more chances of getting a place in the tournament leaders. It is mainly because the maximum amount of tournament points you can get for each is at maximum if you are in the highest level tournament bracket. This is why it’s a bit impossible for players in the lower level tournament brackets.

However, I’ve actually seen some players in the level 40 tournament bracket reaching the tournament leaders. I’m pretty sure, you’ve got to exert an exceptional amount of effort to reach a place in the top 100 if you’re in a lower level tournament bracket. Hustle Castle has 3 workshop rooms namely the Weapon Workshop, the Armory Workshop and the Jewelry Workshop to craft weapons, armors and jewelry respectively. Crafting legendary items requires 10 epic shards and Mana and takes a significant amount of time to finish crafting. Epic shards can be harvested by breaking epic items or buying it from the Dark Portal Store. The amount of Mana required and the amount of days taken to craft a legendary item depends on the level of your workshop room. However, you can minimize the amount taken to craft an item in the workshop by putting an Alchemist Dweller.

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Hustle castle app

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