Irregular Verbs Dan Artinya

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Irregular verb adalah bentuk kata kerja tidak beraturan. Artinya, kata kerja bentuk dua dan bentuk tiganya mengalami perubahan bentuk diluar patokan umum. Pada patokan umum, maka kata kerja bentuk dua dan tiga mengalami penambahan huruf d/ed di akhir kata. Pengertian dan Kumpulan Irregular Verb Lengkap Dengan Arti dan Audio – Di artikel ini kita akan membahas pengertian tentang irregular verb. Setelah itu kita akan melihat kumpulan irregular verb lengkap dengan arti dan audio.

Semua bahasa di dunia memiliki peraturan-peraturannya sendiri, selayaknya Bahasa Inggris. Peraturan ini dikenal dengan nama grammar. Untuk fasih berbahasa inggris kamu harus mengetahui aturan grammar ini dan semuanya berawal dari unit terkecil yaitu kata.

Kali ini kita akan membahas jenis kata yaitu regular verbs.Regular verbs adalah kata-kata yang menjelaskan tentang aksi atau pekerjaan dimana saat dipakai dalam bentuk waktu yang lain, bentuk kata tidak berubah dan hanya ditambahkan –ed. Maksud dari bentuk waktu adalah past tense, future tense,dll.

Aturan Menggunakan Regular Verbs

Adapun aturan yang harus kamu ikuti jika ingin menggunakan regular verb

  • Untuk kalimat dalam jangka waktu ‘sekarang’ gunakan verb 1, yaitu kata asli tanpa imbuhan –ed. Kalimat ini memiliki ciri penanda waktu
  • Untuk kalimat yang dalam jangka waktu ‘masa lalu’ gunakan verb 2 atau 3, yaitu kata asli yang sudah diimbuhi –ed. Kalimat ini memiliki penanda waktu last year/month, yesterday, an hour/minute/second ago, dll

Jangan takut untuk belajar tentang regular verbs. Yang perlu kamu lakukan adalah belajar dari daftar regular verbs dengan urutan verb 1, verb 2, verb 3 ini beserta contoh kalimatnya

1. Attach, attached, attached

‘ The post it not was attached to the fridge last night, now I attach it to my desk’

2. Attack, attacked, attacked

‘Maia attacked the burglar that cam through the window last week’

3. Back, backed, backed

‘That argument is backed up with facts’

4. Bake, baked, baked

‘My mother baked me banana muffins two weeks ago’

5. Balance, balanced, balanced

‘Nina managed to stay balanced while learning to ride a bike for the first time’

6. Ban, banned, banned

‘The club banned her forever because of her action last night’

7. Bang, banged, banged

‘The police banged on my neighbour’s door at 1 am yesterday’

8. Boil, boiled, boiled

‘She boils two egg today but the rest of it she boiled yesterday’

9. Bomb,bombed, bombed

‘America bombed Syria last month’

10. Book, booked, booked

‘Before the holiday, she already booked the ticket for her flight’

11. Borrow, borrowed, borrowed

‘I want to borrow a novel from Nina but i already borrowed a comic from her yesterday’

12. Bounce, bounced, bounced

‘My sister bounced on that trampoline field’

13. Calculate, calculated, calculated

‘This morning, she calculated how much she have to spend for the next two days.’

14. Call, called,called

‘It’s been two months since i last called my ex girlfriend’

15. Camp, camped, camped

‘ I want to camp at Yellowstone this week because i already camped there last year’

16. Care, cared, cared

‘She cared about her boyfriend so much that she skipped work to meet him’

17. Carry, carried, carried

‘I only carry one apple because my sister already carried three of it’

18. Carve, carved, carved

‘My dad likes to carve cartoon character onto a block of wood.’

19. Cause, caused, caused

‘ Yono caused the candle to light just now’

20. Challenge, challenged, challenged

Download Pioneer BDR-XD05W BD-RW Utility 1.10 for Mac (DVD / Blu-Ray / Media Players). Pioneer bdr-pr1. The Pioneer BDR-XD05 Drive Utility allows for the configuration of the Quiet Drive and PureRead features. The Pioneer BD Drive Utility is only for the Pioneer BDR-XD05 and works only in Windows. Specifications: WRITE SUPPORT - BD: BD-R, BD-R DL, BD-R TL, BD-R QL, BD-RE, BD-RE DL, BD-RE TL. Once updated to version 1.10, this drive will not revert to older firmware versions. For Windows Former drive utility (Ver. or earlier) will be unavailable. Use a new version(Ver. or later). Drive Utility download: for Windows BDR-XS06FW110EU.EXE (2.78 MB) updated Sep 5, 2017 for Mac PioneerDriveUpdater2BDR-XS06XS06CXS06T. The BDR-XD05W is one of the world's smallest and lightest BD/DVD/CD portable burners supporting BDXL. The ultra-compact USB 3.0 drive is ideal for Mac users or for those who already have software. The BDR-XD05W can write to BDXL 1 discs, Blu-ray discs and is backwards compatible to support DVD and CD media. Not only is the BDR-XD05W one of the.

‘She challenged me to go to a concert alone’

21. Change, changed, changed

‘ I am not afraid to change because i have changed myself before’

22. Charge, charged, charged

‘ I charged my phone there but now it is missing’

23. Chase, chased, chased

‘The police chased a criminal down the road this morning’

24. Cheat, cheated, cheated

‘ He have cheated on me twice this month’

25. Check, checked, checked

‘ Before leaving, she checked if she left anything behind’

26. Concern, concerned, concerned

‘ My mom is really concerned about my health because i couldn’t get out of bed for two weeks straight’

27. Confess, confessed, confessed

‘ I already confessed about my feelings to my crush. Now, i’m waiting for him to confess.’

28. Confuse, confused, confused

‘ Reading the instruction manuals makes her confused’

29. Connect, connected, connected

‘I connected to the WiFi an hour ago but now i can’t connect to it at all’

30. Consider, considered, considered

‘ I might consider taking that job offer at Europe’

31. Kick, kicked, kicked

‘ That mean boys kicked the puppy’

32. Cheer, cheered, cheered

‘I can’t seem to cheer myself up’

33. Chew, chewed, chewed

‘ She chews the gum for a long time’

34. Kill, killed, killed

‘ The deer was killed instantly once that hunter shot it with his rifle’

35. Kiss, kissed, kissed

‘ I kissed him last night. I want to kiss him again’

36. Kneel, kneeled, kneeled

‘ She kneeled in front of me for no reason today’

37. Knit, knitted, knitted

‘ My grandma knitted a christmas sweater for me last year’

38. Knock, knocked, knocked

‘ She knocked on his door but no one answered’

39. Label, labelled, labelled

Irregular Verbs Dan Artinya

‘ I already labelled that box an hour ago’

Ternyata belajar regular verb tidak begitu sulit, kan? Oleh karena itu mengapa tidak mencoba menggunakannya saat kamu berbahasa Inggris. Selamat belajar dan mencoba!

Semua bahasa di dunia memiliki peraturan-peraturannya sendiri, selayaknya Bahasa Inggris. Peraturan ini dikenal dengan nama grammar. Untuk fasih berbahasa inggris kamu harus mengetahui aturan grammar ini dan semuanya berawal dari unit terkecil yaitu kata.Kali ini kita akan membahas jenis kata yaitu regular verbs. Regular verbs adalah kata-kata yang menjelaskan tentang aksi atau pekerjaan dimana saat dipakai dalam bentuk waktu yang lain, bentuk kata tidak berubah dan hanya ditambahkan –ed. Maksud dari bentuk waktu adalah past tense, future tense,dll.Aturan Menggunakan Regular VerbsAdapun aturan yang harus kamu ikuti jika ingin menggunakan regular verb. Untuk kalimat dalam jangka waktu ‘sekarang’ gunakan verb 1, yaitu kata asli tanpa imbuhan –ed. Kalimat ini memiliki ciri penanda waktu.

Untuk kalimat yang dalam jangka waktu ‘masa lalu’ gunakan verb 2 atau 3, yaitu kata asli yang sudah diimbuhi –ed. Kalimat ini memiliki penanda waktu last year/month, yesterday, an hour/minute/second ago, dllJangan takut untuk belajar tentang regular verbs. Yang perlu kamu lakukan adalah belajar dari daftar regular verbs dengan urutan verb 1, verb 2, verb 3 ini beserta contoh kalimatnya1.

Attach, attached, attached‘ The post it not was attached to the fridge last night, now I attach it to my desk’2. Attack, attacked, attacked‘Maia attacked the burglar that cam through the window last week’3. Back, backed, backed‘That argument is backed up with facts’4. Bake, baked, baked‘My mother baked me banana muffins two weeks ago’5.

Balance, balanced, balanced‘Nina managed to stay balanced while learning to ride a bike for the first time’6. Ban, banned, banned‘The club banned her forever because of her action last night’7. Bang, banged, banged‘The police banged on my neighbour’s door at 1 am yesterday’8. Boil, boiled, boiled‘She boils two egg today but the rest of it she boiled yesterday’9.

Malwarebytes for mac. Bomb,bombed, bombed‘America bombed Syria last month’10. Book, booked, booked‘Before the holiday, she already booked the ticket for her flight’11. Borrow, borrowed, borrowed‘I want to borrow a novel from Nina but i already borrowed a comic from her yesterday’12.

Bounce, bounced, bounced‘My sister bounced on that trampoline field’13. Calculate, calculated, calculated‘This morning, she calculated how much she have to spend for the next two days.’14.

Call, called,called‘It’s been two months since i last called my ex girlfriend’15. Camp, camped, camped‘ I want to camp at Yellowstone this week because i already camped there last year’16. Care, cared, cared‘She cared about her boyfriend so much that she skipped work to meet him’17.

Carry, carried, carried‘I only carry one apple because my sister already carried three of it’18. Carve, carved, carved‘My dad likes to carve cartoon character onto a block of wood.’19. Cause, caused, caused‘ Yono caused the candle to light just now’20. Challenge, challenged, challenged‘She challenged me to go to a concert alone’21. Change, changed, changed‘ I am not afraid to change because i have changed myself before’22.

Charge, charged, charged‘ I charged my phone there but now it is missing’23. Chase, chased, chased‘The police chased a criminal down the road this morning’24. Cheat, cheated, cheated‘ He have cheated on me twice this month’25. Check, checked, checked‘ Before leaving, she checked if she left anything behind’26. Concern, concerned, concerned‘ My mom is really concerned about my health because i couldn’t get out of bed for two weeks straight’27.

Confess, confessed, confessed‘ I already confessed about my feelings to my crush. Now, i’m waiting for him to confess.’28. Confuse, confused, confused‘ Reading the instruction manuals makes her confused’29. Connect, connected, connected‘I connected to the WiFi an hour ago but now i can’t connect to it at all’30. Consider, considered, considered‘ I might consider taking that job offer at Europe’31. Kick, kicked, kicked‘ That mean boys kicked the puppy’32. Cheer, cheered, cheered‘I can’t seem to cheer myself up’33.

Chew, chewed, chewed‘ She chews the gum for a long time’34. Kill, killed, killed‘ The deer was killed instantly once that hunter shot it with his rifle’35.

Kiss, kissed, kissed‘ I kissed him last night. I want to kiss him again’36. Kneel, kneeled, kneeled‘ She kneeled in front of me for no reason today’37. Knit, knitted, knitted‘ My grandma knitted a christmas sweater for me last year’38. Knock, knocked, knocked‘ She knocked on his door but no one answered’39. Label, labelled, labelled‘ I already labelled that box an hour ago’Ternyata belajar regular verb tidak begitu sulit, kan?

Oleh karena itu mengapa tidak mencoba menggunakannya saat kamu berbahasa Inggris. Selamat belajar dan mencoba!