React Native Androidgenymotion For Mac

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Build Status Yourself and Participate in a Better Web The easiest way Prerequisites. Linux: git, curl and make.

Install React Native for Windows. Remember to call react-native init from the place you want your project directory to live. Npx react-native init -version ^ 0.61.5. If you've installed react native globally in the past, via npm install -g react-native.

Run sudo apt install -y git curl make on the terminal. macOS: Make sure you have curl installed1. Clone the repository git clone status-react2.

Install the dependenciesWe created a special script that leverages to install everything Status needs with minimal impact to the user’s system. However, this script has only been tested on macOS (with XCode 11.1), Ubuntu Linux 18.04 and Manjaro. If it doesn’t work for you on another Linux distribution, please install all dependencies manually (you can find the list below).In order to make things as practical as possible, the script will auto-accept the Android SDK license agreements.If you’re on NixOS, please run the following to ensure you have the necessary prerequisites available: nix-env -install git gnumakeIn order to work with status-react, you need to be inside a Nix shell. The makefile targets will ensure you are in a Nix shell, or start one for you implicitly.

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