Airline Reservation System Project In Java Netbeans

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Airline Reservation System project is a web application which is developed in Java Servlet platform. This Java Servlet project with tutorial and guide for developing a code. Airline Reservation System is a open source you can Download zip and edit as per you need. Crusader kings 2 guide. If you want more latest Java Servlet projects here.

Software’s have always created a platform to make work easier and more accurate. The Airline reservation system a java project is not an exception. With working employees traveling 24/7 this software speed up your reservation process and makes it convenient for the customers to book flights whenever and wherever!It reduces the scope of manual error and conveniently maintains any modifications, cancellations in the reservations. It not only provides flight details but also but also creates a platform to book tickets, cancels or modifies ticket timings or dates and even informs about the number of people on board!The software is divided into 5 parts with each having their respective functions. Primary Objective:The system objectives educate us about the primary function of this Airline reservation system a java project software.

The system context deals with easy-to-use, interactive, and intuitive graphical and telephonic interfaces.The functional requirements consist of the bulk of the project explaining the various functions and working of the software. It also has taken into consideration the non- functional requirements and also the plausible future requirements.When a user makes a reservation or a cancellation it is identified as “reserve in file “or “cancel in file.” This information is accepted and the details are restored in the passenger data base, which does not cause any hindrance to the customer.Conclusion:The web based “airline reservation system” project is just another attempt to stimulate the basic concepts of airline reservation system. The system follows a simple process which allows the passenger to check availability of flights by entering the two travel cities, namely the “Departure city” and “Arrival city”.Once this is done if the seats are available the system asks the customer to enter his details such as name, address, city, state, credit card number and contact number.

Then it checks the validity of card and book the flight and update the airline database and user database.

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Author: Libor Martinek, Lukas Jungmann
Last update: $Date: 2009/10/29 16:50:43 $, $Revision: $


This end to end scenario discribes developing of very simple Library Reservation System. It covers j2ee features which are possibe to use in NetBeans IDE 5.5 (version for NetBeans 4.1 is here). This application consists of EJB module with one web service, which is used for reservation of book in libarry. We will create database tables in bundled Java DB database, then we will generated CMP Entity Beans from this database and finally we will create web service.
Library sources are available here.

Database setup

  1. Start bundled Java DB. Tools Java DB Database Start Java DB Server
  2. Create new database . Tools Java DB Database Create Java DB Database, call it library and use tester as user name as well as password.
  3. Create tables with sample data. Click on Open button and open library-javadb.sql. Choose connection to created library DB and click on 'Execute All' button.

Creating IDE project

  1. Create newJ2EE 1.4 EJB Module project with name 'Library'.
  2. Generate CMP Entity Beans from Database. Right-click on Library project and select New -> CMP Entity Beans from Database. Create new Data source jdbc/library for jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/library connection, Add All tables and click on Next, enter package library and let both checkboxes selected and click on Finish. Four Entity Beans are created.
  3. Create Book DTO. Right-click on BookEB and select Generated DTO from popup menu.
  4. Create Service Locator. Open New File Wizard, select category Enterprise, file type Caching Service Locator, enter ServiceLocator as locator Name, package service and press Finish.
  5. Create Web Service. Open New File Wizard, select category Web Services, file type Web Service, enter 'ReservationService' as Web Service Name, package 'service' and press Finish.

Writing Web Service

  1. Call EJB. Select 'Enterprise Resources -> Call Enterprise Bean' from popup menu and select BookEB. Do the same for BookCopyEB, ReservationEB and LibraryUserEB.
  2. Write login method.
  3. Write convertToBookDTOArray method.
  4. Create getBooksByTitle operation. Select 'Web Service -> Add Operation' from popup menu. Create this operation:
    and write code:
  5. Create getBooksByAuthor operation. Select 'Web Service -> Add Operation' from popup menu. Create this operation:
    and write code:
  6. Add Finder Method to BookCopyEB. Open BookCopyEB and select 'EJB Methods -> Add Finder Method' from popup menu. Call it findByISBN, use following EJBQL: SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM BookCopy o WHERE o.isbn.isbn = ?1, add String isbn parameter and press OK.
  7. Add Finder Method to BookCopyEB. Open BookCopyEB and select 'EJB Methods -> Add Finder Method' from popup menu. Call it findReservedBooks, use following EJBQL: SELECT DISTINCT OBJECT(o) FROM BookCopy o, IN (o.reservationBeanCollection) AS r WHERE o.isbn.isbn = ?1 AND ((r.reservedFrom <= ?2 AND r.reservedTo >= ?2) OR (r.reservedFrom <= ?3 AND r.reservedTo >= ?3) OR (r.reservedFrom >= ?2 AND r.reservedTo <= ?3)), add String isbn, java.sql.Date from, java.sql.Date to parameter and press OK.
  8. Add Select method. Open ReservationEB and select 'EJB Methods -> Add Select Method' from popup menu. Call it ejbSelectMaxId, use following EJBQL: SELECT MAX( FROM Reservation o and press OK.
  9. Add Home method. Open ReservationEB and select 'EJB Methods -> Add Home Method' from popup menu. Write name 'maxId', return type 'int'. Write method code:
  10. Add Create method. Open ReservationEB and select 'EJB Methods -> Add Create Method' from popup menu, add Integer id, Date from, Date to, BookCopyLocal bookCopy, LibraryUserLocal user parameters, press OK and implement added create and postCreate methods:
  11. Create operation. Open ReservationService, add new operation there:
    and implement it:
  12. Create Message Handler. Open New File Wizard, select Web Services category and create new Message Handler. Name it ReservationMessageHandler, and create it in package service.
  13. Set Message Handler. Right-click on ReservationService node and select Configure Handlers popup menu. Add newly created Message Handler.

Test functionality

  1. Build project
  2. Deploy project
  3. Create new temporary web/ejb project with web service client for ReservationService
  4. Web Service References -> ReservationService -> ReservationServiceSEIPort.
  5. Double-click on getBooksByAuthor node.
  6. Enter parameters: 'Tom', 'tom', 'Douglas Adams'.
  7. Click on submit. You will get all books from Douglas Adams. Clock dialog.
  8. Double-click on reserver.
  9. Enter parameters: 'Tom', 'tom', '0345391802', 'Jul 1, 2005', 'Jul 10, 2005'.
  10. Click on submit. You will get result 'true', which means that reservation was successfully processed.
  11. Enter parameters: 'Tom', 'tom', '0345418905', 'Aug 1, 2005', 'Aug 10, 2005'.
  12. Click on submit. You will get result 'false', which means that reservation was NOT successfully processed. This book is not available at this time.