Twisted Serial Port Python

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I have inherited python/twisted code written by a former employee.The code that I have (and it works) opens a serial port and receives data for 5 seconds, then writes it back in reverse order. Here is the code: from twisted.internet import reactorfrom twisted.internet.protocol import Protocolfrom twisted.internet.serialport import SerialPortimport serialclass ReverseEchoProtocol(Protocol):'Wait for specific amount of data.Regardless of success, closes connection timeout seconds after opening.' 'def init(self, port, timeout, logger):self.logger = loggerself.timeout = timeoutdef connectionMade(self)'RS485 connection made.' )reactor.callLater(self.timeout, self.transport.loseConnection, 'timeout')def connectionLost(self, reason)'RS485 connection lost. ' + str(reason))def dataReceived(self, data)'RS485 received data. ' + repr(data))self.transport.write(data::-1)self.transport.flushOutputAnd from inside a python function the above code is initiated with this call: protocol = ReverseEchoProtocol(port, 5 self.logger) serial.SerialException as err:# print/log err.message herereturn Falsereturn TrueThis call to returns immediately after successfully opening the port (well before the 5 seconds complete)Here is what I am trying to write.

From inside a python function, I need to initiate a serial transaction. It needs to wait for the transaction to either complete, fail or timeout.Here is what the serial transaction needs to do:. The transaction is passed in a string and a timeout value.

Excel za Microsoft 365 za Mac Excel 2019 za Mac Excel 2016 for Mac Excel for Mac 2011.On the File menu, click Import.In the Import dialog box, click the option for the type of file that you want to import, and then click Import.In the Choose a File dialog box, locate and click the CSV, HTML, or text file that you want to use as an external data range, and then click Get Data.Follow the steps in the Text Import Wizard, where you can specify how you want to divide the text into columns and other formatting options. When you have finished, click OK to return to the Import Data dialog box.Do one of the following:ToDo thisImport the data to the current sheetClick Existing sheet, and then click OK.Import the data to a new sheetClick New sheet, and then click OK.Excel adds a new sheet to your workbook, and automatically pastes the external data range at the upper-left corner of the new sheet. Csv file. When you have completed step 3 of the wizard, click Finish.In the Import Data dialog box, click Properties to set query definition, refresh control, and data layout options for the external data that you are importing.

Twisted.positioning is a package for doing geospatial positioning. Usually over a serial port. Import printfunction import sys from twisted.internet import reactor, serialport from twisted.positioning import base, nmea from twisted.python import log, usage class PositioningReceiver. - example of rate-limiting your web server. - example using stdio, Deferreds, LineReceiver and twisted.web.client. - serve shells in pseudo-terminals over TCP. - example of interfacing to Courier’s mail filter interface. - example of doing arbitrarily long calculations nicely in Twisted.

The serial port is opened. Failure to open results in an error being returned. The string is written to the serial port. Failure to write results in an error being returned. If write is successful, the same port is then continually read for 'timeout' seconds. As data is read (could be multiple reads), it is appended to a string. After 'timeout' seconds, the string of all data read from the port during that time is returned (or the empty string if nothing is read).Here is my question.trying to adapt the code I already have, I can write a new protocol.

In connectionMade, it can do the write, initiate the read and then setup a timeout by calling reactor.callLater. Inside dataReceived I can append the read data to a string. And inside connectionLost I can return the string read.But how do I make the python function calling wait until the transaction completes?

(Is there something like a reactor.wait function or a join function?) Also, if there is an error (or exception), how do I pass that up (a try block?) How do I pass the string back up to the python function?I think the code I inherited gets me close.I just need those couple of questions answered for me to be able to complete the task.

This demo shows how to hook up an Arduino to a WAMP router and display real-time sensor readings in a browser, as well as control the Arduino from the browser.

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To give you an idea, here are some videos:

How it works

The serial2ws program will open a serial port connection with your Arduino. It will communicate over a simple, ASCII based protocol with your device.


The serial2ws program exposes a WAMP procedure com.myapp.mcu.control_led which can be called remotely via WAMP. When the procedure is called, serial2py forwards the control command to the Arduino over serial. Turning on and off the LED is done by sending a 0 or 1 character over serial.


The Arduino will send sensor analog values by sending ASCII lines over serial consisting of the sensor ID (int) and sensor value (int) delimited by whitespace (a tab character). The serial2ws will receive those lines, parse each line, and then publish WAMP events with the payload consisting of the sensor values to the topic com.myapp.mcu.on_analog_value.

How to run

You will need to have the following installed onn the host that connects over serial to your Arduino.

  • Python
  • Twisted
  • AutobahnPython
  • PySerial

When using the Arduino Yun, this stuff runs on the little Linux computer that resides on the Yun. When using the Arduino Mega, this stuff runs on a computer to which you connect the Mega via serial.

Upload the serial2ws.ino sketch to your Arduino.

Connect your serial device and run


in your browser.

The serial2ws program has a number of command line options for setting COM port, baudrate etc.Run python --help to get information on those.


Arduino Yun running an embedded Web server and WAMP router:

Arduino Yun running disabling the embedded Web server and connecting to an uplink WAMP router: